Club Race Night
Menai Swim Club, hold 8 Club Race Nights, generally, on the last Friday of the month in October, November, January, February, March, April, May, and June, with the annual Club Championships held on the last Friday of August and the first Friday of September, and two “Fun” Race Nights held on the third Friday in December and the last Friday in July. dates may change to ensure that they do not conflict with major Championships.
The regular Club Race Nights are open to any swimmer that is registered with Swimming Australia, non members may come and attend a MAXIMUM of 2 Club Race Nights, before being required to join the Menai Swim Club. The Club Championships are open only to registered members of the Menai Swim Club.
The Club also holds a “Come and Try” night, generally, on the last Friday in September for members of the Menai Swim Academy Learn to Swim and Squad programs to come and try a Race Night to see if they like the idea of racing with a view to joining and representing the Club.
Entries for the Club Race Nights, for registered swimmers, from either Menai Swim Club or another Swim Club, are done online via the swimming administration portal SWIM CENTRAL, with entries, generally, opening on the Monday after the Club Race Night and closing at 11:59 pm on the Wednesday evening immediately prior to the nominated Club Race Night. the cost of entry is $2.00 per event, with swimmers allowed to enter a MAXIMUM of THREE races each Club Race night.
Non members, who wish to come and try a race Night, may enter by sending an email with the Swimmers Name, Date of Birth and selected events to our Head Coach at, with entries to be sent prior to the cut-off time of 11:59pm on the Wednesday prior to the Race Night.
A point score system operates for each Club Race Night, where swimmers are awarded points for the time they swim compared to the best time that is recorded for them for the same event.
A copy of the full Club Race Night Calendar is available here and a copy of the Club Race Night information is available here. A copy of the calendar for the current season is also available on the Club Web site under the Swim Meet/ Club Race Night tab, and you will be able to view a copy of the program for the individual bights together with the results of the night.
To successfully run the Club Nights we require our parents to get involved in the various duties that make a swim meet run smoothly and close to on time – timekeeping, marshalling the swimmers, recording the times – and a duty roster of the families assigned to the various tasks is put together for each Club Race Night. The duties are very simple and neither onerous nor difficult, so there is no need to worry if you’re not familiar with what is required, as there is always an experienced parent around to assist you if you have any questions or if it’s your first time.
By getting involved you have an opportunity to see your child/children compete from the pools edge and it also gives back to the Club that is giving your child/children the opportunity to participate in this wonderful sport.
We aim the have each of the Club Race Nights considered as an “official” meet, so that swimmers can use the times recorded as part of the Swimming Australia National Results database and can then be used to enter other external meets.